
Test your memory in this engaging emoji matching game!

Project Overview

Memory Adventures is an engaging memory and matching game with a twist. The goal is to click on emojis and achieve the highest score possible while managing a limited number of lives.
Challenge your memory skills and achieve top scores! 🎮✨


These are the screenshots of the homepage and gameplay screen for the game.

Game Features

  • Lives System: Start with 5 lives, lose one for mistakes, and aim to avoid duplicates.
  • Game Modes:
    • Easy: 4x4 grid, 20 emojis.
    • Medium: 6x4 grid, 24 emojis.
    • Hard: 6x8 grid, 48 emojis.
  • Win/Lose Conditions: Win by clicking all emojis uniquely; lose when lives run out.
  • Score Tracking: Beat your best score across sessions.
  • Sound Effects:
    • Correct pick: Cheerful sound.
    • Mistake: Alert sound.
  • Settings: Toggle sound on/off, choose difficulty.

Technology Stack

  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Node.js
  • Deployment: Netlify